dealing with PMS

How To Deal With Mood Swings PMS During Your Period? -Guys should read this too –

Are you dealing with mood swings today? 

Let me ask you these questions. 

Are you having your period today? Do you think you’re getting your monthly in the next few days? If your answer is either of the two or both, you might have a PMS. But hopefully, you’re not this type of person who has daily mood swings, 24/7 365 days since it is already a different case.

While some of us say, I am in a horrible mood today I think I’ll be having my period, but do we even know what triggers this mood change? Or is it more than a mood swing?

Sure enough, hormones play a significant role because of these mood and physical transformations (from a sweet kitten to a wild tiger), I know you can relate to this. 

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What hormone is responsible for these changes?

Because of ovulation, fluctuation of estrogen and progesterone levels occurs, which also affects serotonin levels. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter responsible for mood, social behaviour, sleep, and memory. 

75% of women suffer from PMS during their entire reproductive years, and 3-5% of women suffer from PMDD.

What is the difference between PMS AND PMDD?

To make it short, PMDD or Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is a severe form of what we commonly know as PMS or Premenstrual Syndrome. Both can cause physical and emotional changes, but PMDD causes intense mood shifts that can affect work and relationships. 

PMDD is more than just a mood swing, see the infographic below to understand more the difference between the two.

PMS VS PMDD 1 e1681082430527
How To Deal With Mood Swings PMS During Your Period? -Guys should read this too -

How to deal with mood swings during your period?

· Assess yourself 

Before you can seek a solution or a cure, you need to know first what do you have or what do you feel. Some of the common manifestations of PMS AND PMDD are bloating, weakness, irritability, depression, and restlessness.

To know if it’s more than a mood swing, you can always refer to the photo above. If you’re having one of these that stands out, then it can be PMDD and not only mood swings during the monthly period:

  • Anger
  • Intense moodiness
  • Anxiety
  • Sadness

· Exercise

One of the symptoms of PMS is having low energy and disinterest in daily activity, but with physical activity and exercise, it will change. Endorphins are hormones released during physical activity, which are quite similar to morphine and considered natural painkillers. If you’re feeling down, try to do some workout, which is beneficial for your physical and emotional healt

· Dietary modifications

  • Cutting back caffeine and avoiding alcohol can help ease feelings of irritability and being down since I know alcohol to be a depressant. 
  • Cut back junk foods and foods with large amounts of sugar, fat, and salt to avoid further adverse changes in your mood. Instead, replace your cravings with healthy foods like fruits and vegetables.
  • Include calcium in your diet. A clinical trial shows that calcium supplement aids in reducing the occurrence of sadness, irritability, and restlessness during the period. 
  • foods are rich in calcium and good sources of calcium:
  • Soya beans
  • Nuts
  • Fish such as sardines
  • Green leafy vegetables like broccoli, okra, and cabbage
  • Milk and cheese
  • Eat small meals. Eating small meals frequently instead of sticking to your regular usual eating schedule or habit controls appetite and regulates your taste sensation to avoid calorie load. 

· Manage physical symptoms

Dysmenorrhea or menstrual cramps are pain during menstruation. It is one of the most annoying and painful parts of having menstruation. Women take medications to ease the pain, but I advise treating the pain naturally, such as:

  • a heating pad on your abdomen or apply a hot compress on your lower back or abdomen
  • Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol
  • Rest if possible

Some women can do without medications if they have menstrual cramps and turn to herbal medicines like Gingko Biloba to aid PMS symptoms such as breast tenderness and fluid retention. Another alternative for Ibuprofen and Paracetamol is the use of ginger. Study shows that ginger also helps in alleviating menstrual pains having no side effects from using it.  

· Plan and prepare

Whether you have PMS or PMDD, and your level of tolerance is low, it is best to plan and prepare before your monthly period. You can assess yourself ahead of time and plan for interventions like creating your diet and snack plan. You can also create a monthly planner to track down your mood or compare your mood swings during or before a monthly period.

· Talk therapy

Don’t underestimate the power of talking. Talking eases feelings of sadness and anxiety. Women during a stressful period and having PMS is one of the stressful periods a woman can have in her life, tend to turn to women or female peers. This act is known as Tend and Befriend. This response is a unique female response that helps women and their offspring survive during stressful situations.

If you’re in a relationship or married, inform your partner about the situation before and during your menstruation. Sometimes it causes argument or breakup because men don’t seem to understand their women, or they do not know at all what’s going on with their girlfriends or wives.

You can also engage in a couple’s group therapy or one-on-one therapy if you think PMS will affect your relationship with your boyfriend, husband, or even with your friends.

When you have a foul mood before your period, you must know first if it’s a mood swing or more than a mood swing so you’d know how to deal with PMS or PMDD, its severe form. Consult with your doctor if you want to include medical interventions by using over-the-counter drugs or vitamins to know how much you should consume every single day.

I hope if you ask this very question, why do I get so angry before my period, you already understand and know how to deal with your mood swings and physical pain.

Remember before you treat yourself or assess first or better create a monthly tracker or planner, as I mentioned above.

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