how to ask a guy out without being creepy

How To Ask A Guy Out Without Being Creepy – 9 Great Ways To Do It

If you ask a guy for advice on how to ask a guy out without being creepy, you’ll probably hear something like: Approach the man and ask if he’d like to go out with you!

Now can it be really that simple?

In today’s generation, asking a guy out is nothing new. Girls nowadays don’t just sit around waiting for a guy to ask them out.

It can, however, be nerve-wracking from time to time. After all, we’re so used to guys asking girls out that we don’t know what to do when the tables are turned on us.

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That’s why in this post I’ll share with you 9 great ways so that you know how to ask a guy out without being creepy.

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How to ask a guy out without being creepy

dating - How to ask a guy out without being creepy
How To Ask A Guy Out Without Being Creepy - 9 Great Ways To Do It

Why should you ask him out?

Now let me guess. Is it more that you’re terrified of approaching a man you like and asking him out…only to be rejected…or maybe laughed at? But why should men be less afraid? With all the female empowerment vibes we’ve been feeling since the 1970s feminism explosion, there’s no excuse not to take the lead.

He may be into you, but he’s afraid his intentions are misinterpreted. In fact, one in three men fears being accused of sexual harassment. He doesn’t want to risk offending you by making inappropriate advances.

So should you ask him out? Oh, yes! You are a brave woman who needs no fear.

I’ll show you how to ask a guy out without being creepy (you don’t want that), but it doesn’t matter which one you pick. The most important thing is to do it with confidence. Men like confident women, so if you have that going for you, you’re golden.

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9 great ways to ask him out

1. Ask for coffee

coffee date - How to ask a guy out without being creepy
How To Ask A Guy Out Without Being Creepy - 9 Great Ways To Do It

A coffee seems natural, casual and safe, which can lower your chances of being turned down. This is an easy way to ask a guy out as there’s no sweating money and no drink to dull your senses. Plus it’s brief! If everything goes well, savor the moment or order another latte. If things don’t work out, you’ll be gone in under an hour.

If he isn’t interested in you and makes a big issue about it , simply shrug and say something like, “Jeez! It’s just a cup of coffee.”

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2. Ask for a group date

Ask for a group date - how to ask a guy out without being creepy
How To Ask A Guy Out Without Being Creepy - 9 Great Ways To Do It

A group date is another low-pressure option if you want to know how to ask a guy out without being creepy. If you and the guy are going out with other couples or just buddies, it will feel more like a hangout than a date. Just tell him you’re going bowling, to the movies, or supper with friends and invite him along. A group date can help him know you’ll ask him out but neither of you will feel pressured.

If the group date goes well, hopefully a normal date will follow. Be clear about your intentions. A group date can be mistaken for a mixed-gender hangout. Your date may not be aware that you’re dating (and then you’re still stuck in the “friend zone”, which may cause awkwardness).

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3. Use the “extra ticket” trick

girl asking guy out using extra ticket trick how to ask a guy out without being creepy
How To Ask A Guy Out Without Being Creepy - 9 Great Ways To Do It

You’ve probably seen How to lose a guy in 10 days, right? If so, you’ll recall Andie pulling out highly sought-after basketball tickets and how Benjamin can’t resist.

To use this method, start a casual chat (that seems natural) with the guy. Then, mention a new movie, a concert or a sporting event that he likes. Make it appeal to him. If he doesn’t catch the message, then remark, “I’ve really wanted to see that movie too. Want to go see it this weekend?” To sound more casual, say something like, “none of my pals enjoy that band…”

Remember that if he can’t or won’t go, you’ll be stuck with two tickets, so choose carefully. Have a backup plan in case your plan fails.

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4. Have your “wing friend”

dating in a bar - How to ask a guy out without being creepy
How To Ask A Guy Out Without Being Creepy - 9 Great Ways To Do It

If you’re in a bar or at a party, here’s another possibility of how to ask a guy out without being creepy. Ask your best friend (or someone trusted) to be your wing woman and approach the guy you like. She should be unafraid to play cupid for you. She can find out if he’s single (and straight) and tell him it would be wonderful if you two can talk and get to know one another.

What if he’s with a table of males? Just invite everyone over. What man would refuse such a tempting offer?

5. Leave a cute note

girl writing a cute note how to ask a guy out without being creepy
How To Ask A Guy Out Without Being Creepy - 9 Great Ways To Do It

Place a note in the guy’s locker, backpack, or even sneak one into his guitar case or another valuable object. Simply ask, “Would you like to go out sometime?” and provide your contact information. This works nicely with guys you don’t know very well, and it relieves some of the pressure. This strategy is not only successful, but it also makes the guy think you’re cute and a little bit imaginative.

If you’re asking him out via text, , keep it simple and be patient (in case he doesn’t reply right away). Also, don’t ask out of the blue. Instead, make it natural when you’re in the middle of a conversation.

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6. Ask for his help

ask for his help - How to ask a guy out without being creepy
How To Ask A Guy Out Without Being Creepy - 9 Great Ways To Do It

Here’s simply how to ask a guy out without being creepy: ask him to help you do something that you think he’d be good at. When it’s done, you can treat him to a coffee shop or lunch at your favorite place.

Asking help from a man can actually tap into his primal instincts. To fall in love with a woman, a man must feel like her defender and provider. In other words, he has to feel like your hero. Then, his protective instinct will be triggered, and he’ll have no choice but to ask you out. It will also elicit his deepest feelings of desire and affection.

What I’m talking about here has a psychological term for it. It’s the relationship psychologist James Bauer who invented the term “hero instinct”.

In his most recent free video, James outlines the phrases, texts, and small requests you may use to activate his hero instinct. It’s also good studying these emotional trigger points as no man can resist a woman who makes him feel like a hero.

Still unsure? Take a look at this review to understand “His Secret Obsession” and how you can make use of it to perk up your love life.

7. Play the question game

Ask him a series of questions as part of a game to find out how he feels about you. Begin with simple questions, and then ask about the type of women he prefers. If you feel the guy is falling for you too, initiate a flirty conversation with him that will lead him to asking you out (or simply just ask him out).

You can chat with him via phone or text with some questions like these:

Do you have a girlfriend?
How come you don’t have a girlfriend?
What kind of girlfriend would you have?
Do you think I’m attractive?
I’d be interested in dating you.
Are you asking me out?

8. Ask his best pal to introduce you to him

ask his best pal to introduce you to him - how to ask a guy out without being creepy
How To Ask A Guy Out Without Being Creepy - 9 Great Ways To Do It

One easy way on how to ask a guy out without being creepy is telling his best friend about your crush. Then ask if the friend can introduce the two of you. This usually works, as long as your crush’s best buddy is a friend of yours.

The nicest part about this is that his friend will tell you right away if you’re the type of girl the guy wants to date. You can also find out about your crush’s personality, likes, and dislikes by asking questions.

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9. Ask him face to face

ask him face to face - how to ask a guy out without being creepy
How To Ask A Guy Out Without Being Creepy - 9 Great Ways To Do It

OK, this isn’t as scary (nor creepy) as it may sound because many guys like it direct. If you’ve been in contact with this guy for a while and think he likes you but is too nervous to ask you out, be bold and ask him out. Your gesture may pleasantly surprise him, and he may be delighted to accept.

If you feel unready to make a big ask, try engaging in chitchat. Remember to smile and smile as though you’re having fun (not scared to death!). After all, what’s the worst thing that can happen? (Just a “no” and you’re not going to die!)

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When to avoid asking him out?

So you’ve learnt how to ask a guy out without being creepy. However, should you ask him out in some situations as below?

1. There’re no signs

The spark isn’t there if you don’t feel connected to a guy and trying to communicate seems like pulling teeth. Don’t ask him out if your chats frequently descend into awkward silences or if you can’t seem to find the right words to say. It’s unlikely that you can carry on a conversation with him in person, no matter how gorgeous he is.

2. You feel lonely and desperate

Nobody can make you feel complete or fulfilled. Take a step back if you want to ask someone out because you’re bored, lonely, or terrified of being alone for the holidays. For a variety of reasons, asking a guy out when you are unhappy and vulnerable is risky. The most crucial thing is your emotional well-being.

If he says yes, you might feel terrific for a while. But if things go wrong in your relationship, you could find yourself right back where you started. If he says no, you will be wounded at a time when you are already emotional and vulnerable. When you’re unhappy, emotional, or vulnerable, wait until you’re in a strong, healthy frame of mind before asking a guy out.

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play the question game - how to ask a guy out without being creepy
How To Ask A Guy Out Without Being Creepy - 9 Great Ways To Do It

Final thoughts

It may be difficult to ask a guy out, but keep your cool. You may be on pins and needles waiting for his response or sweating bullets before approaching him, but your attitude and conversation should not reflect this.

Approach him with confidence and watch how well you handle the situation. Don’t get discouraged if things don’t go your way. Brush it off and go about your business of finding the proper guy for you.

I hope you enjoyed the article of How to ask a guy out without being creepy. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comment section. See you around!

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