How to Develop a New Habit

How to Develop a New Habit

Though it may be difficult, it is possible to develop new habits. Create a plan for how you’re going to achieve your goals, including short-term and long-term milestones. It can also be helpful to work with others on these plans, so that they can serve as a source of motivation and help keep you accountable too.

That’s right! You can’t just make a habit. There are a few guidelines to follow and I’ll share them with you.

What Are Habits?

The thing with habits is that we all have them but often think about how to get rid of the bad ones and adopt new ones. To start, we should know that everyone has habits and yet, we regularly think about how to adopt new ones and get rid of others, usually the bad ones. Habitual patterns are part of everyone’s routine, and small rituals help the brain deal with life’s little bumps. So, it’s not really surprising that they also serve as coping mechanisms for things that are happening in life.

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For example, I can’t do anything before I have my breakfast and a cup of coffee. Every morning, I find myself drinking coffee and having breakfast as they always help me prepare for the day ahead. They are also a great chance to be silent and reflect on my plans for the day without distractions.

Sometimes the best way to change your life is to just take baby steps. I’m here today to share my four steps on how you can easily create a new habit and make it stick.

The Why

With so many habits & goals out there for people to pursue, it can be hard to decide how & where to start. To help you get started, here are some of the reasons why you might want to adopt some new habits:There are many reasons why we want to change our habits, routines and lifestyle. The most popular reasons are our health, work, productivity and similar. 

If you want to start eating healthier, consider adopting a new habit like stopping your regular consumption of sweets. It could be for example because you’re trying to quit sugar, or eat better in general. But, you have to keep in mind that the brain is easily addicted to sugar and you will probably experience cravings in time. What are the possible solutions for this scenario? It’s not just one benefit – you’ll have a healthier approach to food, a leaner body, and less cravings.

Keep at it

It’s important to think about the possibility of forgetting your decisions. For example, what happens when you stop wanting to do your new habit?

It’s natural that you feel guilty because this problem is not a rare occurrence. And if it’s been less than a few days since you’ve made your decision, it might be difficult to tell if it was the right one or not, so try to find someone for help with this issue. Whether you’re aiming for a new habit or anything else, it’s all part of the process. It has its highs and lows, but so long as you put in the work, there’s no point in giving up. For example, a really good idea is to keep post-it notes or small cut-outs of your goals in places where they can be easily seen. You could stick them to the back of your computer or by your diary; either way you’re reminding yourself about what you want from every moment.

Be mindful

While it’s relatively easy to start a new habit, it can be difficult to keep up with the routine. One way to stay on track is by setting reminders and making a little calendar. This way you can remind yourself that you’re on your way to achieving your goal and have the information you need at your fingertips.

Even if you don’t succeed to build a new habit right away, don’t get discouraged. I’ve learned that the key is to not give up but try again. I sometimes fail at building new habits – but that doesn’t discourage me because I know myself better and that failure is a way to grow. Recently, I noticed what mistakes I made. The past has been a learning experience for me and it’s reassuring to see how far I’ve come.

Everyone has their own ways of life and some of us want to change them. Practising new habits is part of this process which includes being mindful, reminding ourselves of our goals, and working on adopting them. The best piece of advice I can give you is don’t be afraid when you fail for the first time. You will get back up and try again because adopting a new habit is just a part of the process. The best part about it is that you can always try again!

Really, there’s no one-size-fits all method for creating new habits or routines. Let me know what works for you in the comments.

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