What To Do When You Start A New Relationship

What To Do When You Start A New Relationship: 17 Dos & Don’ts

Love is indispensable in life. Regarding keeping the bond connection, these reveal what to do when you start a new relationship will help.

Real love takes time. Long-lasting relationships need patience, bravery, enthusiasm, and sincerity. And this post is all about our expert’s advice for what to do when you start a new relationship.

Most of us are packed with feelings of butterflies, classy clothing, and text messages in the early days of a new relationship. But there are some things you should do at the outset of connection to guarantee the vibe begins on the proper foot and continues in an ordered and beautiful manner.

When getting to know someone, honesty and open-mindedness go far. Vulnerability helps, too. Don’t skip such an in-depth post with a wide range of incredible tips that work for you two. Get started!

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What To Do When You Start A New Relationship
Source: Pixabay

What To Do When You Start A New Relationship

Look At Actions More Than Words

If someone is unavailable today, next year’s trips don’t matter. In this scenario, you’d better read deeds and actions. Not just believe in words or sayings only because actions reflect his true feelings.

On the other hand, when your sweetheart introduces you to family and friends, he likely regards you as his half in the long-term haul. Express the best of you!

Know That Red Flags Aren’t Suggestions

Lie, be nasty to the waiter, or mention something wrong about a friend. Guess what? They’re not “one-time” only and are hard to change. 

Reg flags are like listening to your instincts when it tells you something’s wrong. Ignoring these signs may prolong a relationship’s collapse and worsen the breakup

Everyone makes errors; you can talk it through if all are just minor mistakes. However, if “this isn’t right” is far from a mistake, flee.

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Don’t Be Close-Minded

Keep an open mind, and don’t be afraid to go out and try something new, whether it is a new dish or a morning ritual. Welcome all the new and fantastic things coming!

As time goes on, a relationship might deepen and become more serious, and the two people involved still have a good time together this way. To have a gentle and fun start, avoid talking too much about contentious issues at first.

Keep The Past In The Past. Just Live For Moment

What To Do When You Start A New Relationship
Source: Pixabay

It’s normal to carry worries and upsetting experiences to a new relationship; it’s a survival technique to avoid heartbreak. But past concerns and doubts might keep you from being happy in a new relationship. 

If a prior spouse was unfaithful, don’t mistrust a new partner based on that. Focus on your new partner’s differences. If you can date them, trust them.

Don’t rush into the “dating history” topic, either. Learn about your partner’s passions, dreams, and personality characteristics during the first few dates. 

There is no need to disclose your previous relationship on the first date or ask about their dating history before knowing their siblings’ names and where they grew up.

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Schedule Regular Check-Ins

What To Do When You Start A New Relationship
Source: Pixabay

Relationships are like work. You’d better take them seriously. Consistently check in with your partner’s emotional state to raise concerns before they become troublesome.

Early check-ins will strengthen your bond. Transactional dialogues often work wonders to ease anxiety as well.

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Do Not Brag Or Embellish Truth

Bragging is a tremendous turnoff for both genders. Nonetheless, you can be confident to be your true self without listing all your merits. It’s not essential to make an all-out effort to impress your partner, particularly if he already likes you.

Someday, telling untrue stories or events will have a toll on your bond. In the worst scenario, your companion will make an end for the two as he can’t endure lies or cliché bragging over and over again.

Don’t Skip The Sex Talk! 

If you’re uncomfortable talking to your partner about sexual health (including STD testing, history, etc.), you’re not ready to be intimate (or maybe he’s not the right person). 

The “perfect moment” for intimacy is different for every relationship (screw the “three-date rule”), and simply one partner feeling ready isn’t enough. It’s better if the two discuss your likes, dislikes, and comfort zones without fears of judgment. 

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Be Yourself

What To Do When You Start A New Relationship
What To Do When You Start A New Relationship: 17 Dos & Don’ts

If you are yourself on every first date and at the start of every new relationship, you can spare your partner a lot of time. On the first days of love, I bet you start off “chill” and “cool.” You keep telling them you enjoy their creative music even if you only listen to Justin Bieber’s first three albums. Still, pretending is never a good idea. 

Be honest about your likes, dislikes, and who you are. It will save you time and heartbreak with unsuitable individuals and let the right one discover you.

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Allow Each Partner To Contribute Equally

It’s simple to make plans and effort for a new relationship when we’re eager. Both parties will contribute equally in all circumstances.

“Early in a relationship, concentrate on the back-and-forth volley,” says Talkspace therapist Meaghan Rice. You offer a bit and then wait for the effort to be repaid before continuing. 

While the wait is tricky and somewhat torturous, it provides significant insight into whether this person deserves your interest.

Spend Some Time Apart

A new connection is incredible, no doubt. Getting caught up in your new dating life is tempting, making you neglect your single-life habits. 

You may spend less time with friends or hobbies to set your heart on your love. Spending all your time together (giving up your individuality and social life) might ruin your relationship someday.

Never lose friends or yourself. Continually messaging, phoning, and pretending like your friendships have not changed is never a good deal. You’d better search for someone to share your life with, not another’s.

Enjoy It

What To Do When You Start A New Relationship
Source: Pixabay

A short story: I recall worrying over how my hair or makeup looked before dates or reading into minor clues out of fear they didn’t like me as much as I wanted. 

But relationship beginnings are extraordinary: The “new-relationship bubble” hasn’t burst, the honeymoon phase feels endless, and you’re happy as a clam. Feeling scared or reluctant to be vulnerable is normal when your heart is on the line. 

Though the terrifying moments still exist, enjoy your love. Live for all moments of life, try new things, and have fun together.

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Stop Bringing Up Your Ex

It’s normal to compare your current partner or relationship to your former one, especially if you were not the one who ended it. Remember how we are meant to forget the past? Your new partner isn’t your ex, so stop talking about them. 

Sure, you need a “dating history” talk to understand each other, but is it essential to bring up an ex? No one likes to be judged, so comparing your relationship to others is detrimental. Instead, appreciate it for what it is. Let the past go!

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Share Your Feelings More

What To Do When You Start A New Relationship
Source: Pixabay

Set your eyes on how you communicate and solve hardships at the relationship’s beginning. If you’re unsure how to communicate with your spouse or somewhat feel downbeat, visit a relationship therapist.

Friends shouldn’t always be your romantic sounding board. When you dispute with your significant other, look inward instead of outward to sort it out. Instead of grumbling to pals, you two should calm down and listen to the other. 

Your partner can’t mind-read date evenings or sex positions. There is no flawless person. A perfect connection needs consensus and understanding.

Listen More!

New York-based relationship expert April Masini advises: “Listen.” Just listen. “Too many people get caught up in passion and excitement and fail to listen well.” 

For example, if you’re weary of dating guys with meager incomes, ask him if he’s between projects or transitioning and encourage him.

Giving your lover your full attention makes them feel seen, heard, and valued. Showing interest in their identity and duties helps them feel distinct and unique.

Beyond that, never let romance be clouded by judgment or clog your ears. Sex and romance are awe-inspiring, but utilizing the beginning of dating to determine whether you’re compatible is better. You two have plenty of time to enjoy these things if it’s a good match.

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What To Do When You Start A New Relationship
Source: Pixabay

Lay Down Your Deal Breakers

It’s not enjoyable to speak about what you don’t want while you’re into something fantastic, but getting anything that may clog the works off your chest now is essential. They’re so-called deal-breakers.

It’s unfair to bring them up afterward. It’s better to mention dealbreakers sooner rather than later so you’re fair to the other person and not wasting either of your time. About having children, for instance. What if one is fond of having a baby while the other doesn’t?

What if you both missed meeting the perfect person because you didn’t address these incompatibilities? It’s better if the two clear the perspectives on the very first days of love.

Do Not Cut Down On Time With Friends Or Family

In a new relationship, couples often cancel on friends to see their sweetheart. Romance is formed through expectation and distance. 

If you continually drop everything to be with your new partner, it may build the thoughts that your friend circles are secondary to who you are dating, and he may take for granted all you do for him.

As a result, keep yourself active and respect your appointments with friends while adjusting your schedule in moderation.

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Refrain You Two From Being Needy

A little bit of jealousy is adorable and healthy. Granted, forcing your partner to cease what he’s doing before dating can be a red flag. It’s normal for newly dating couples to spend much time together and less time with friends and family. 

Still, it’s better if the two respect the private space. Don’t be a needy girlfriend. You can mitigate time on texting, calling, or demanding to see your friends because everyone can’t live in a vacuum.

What To Do When You Start A New Relationship
Source: Pixabay


What’s The Difference Between Dating And Being In A Relationship?


Dating is a fact-finding journey. You must learn about the other person to determine whether you are compatible, share values and interests, and, if sexually attracted, how you feel when you are together and apart. Dating is casual. It is a short-term relationship, enabling you to showcase your best to the other.

In A Relationship

Meanwhile, being in a relationship generally demands a more significant amount of commitment

You two are (sexually) exclusive, spend weekend nights together, or “couple bubble,” encourage one another, and add something to the relationship. You’ve built trust and feel comfortable; you can be yourself. 

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Source: Pixabay

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How Do You Know If Your Relationship Is Going Nowhere?

It seems like you’re not getting severe, no matter how much time you spend together. Regardless, you may question whether the relationship is doomed if there’s no progress. 

Also, here comes 4 sure signs of a going-nowhere relationship:

  • You haven’t been talking
  • You are thinking about other people
  • You want different things
  • You are not comfortable

What Are Yellow Flags In Relationships?

Yellow flags urge you to walk softly, be cautious, and assess your companion to ensure you’re in the ideal relationship. Yellow flags are typically fuzzy and burdensome.

Yellow flags are not an issue if both of you set an all-out effort and work through them together to bring you closer.

Final Thoughts

Not beating around the bush! Be honest and ask whether your partner desires to go further together! Life has gone by fast. Therefore, if you want to reconnect, please ask before more time slips by. And do not forget to stick to our advice on what to do when you start a new relationship.

Oddly, they will be delighted you reached out and could have intended to do the same thing. Forward this good read to your sweetheart as well!

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